Sunday, June 6, 2010

Microsoft Certification in SharePoint 2010

Recently, I am surfing on Internet to look for the news of Microsoft Certification in SharePoint 2010. Although Microsoft haven’t publish the Certification Path yet, but we still can get the clue from Microsoft Learning.

Here is the diagram I create based on my understanding from Microsoft Learning as below,


Figure – MS Certification SharePoint 2010


Microsoft said “This preparation guide is subject to change at any time without prior notice and at the sole discretion of Microsoft.” But I think that’s the pretty much the same.

Here are the links as below if you are interested in.


Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Application Development

Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Configuring


Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Administrator


Designing and Developing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Applications


Microsoft Certified Master


Microsoft Certified Architect


If you have any opinion, please don’t hesitate to leave comments.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lessons from Scrum

I have just been through the worst Sprint Review Meeting (Scrum). We didn’t communicated with Product Owner very well and the demonstration is terrible. However, it is a good learning process and I want to summarize about what I have learned.

Scrum is all about transparency and communication. The first reason we failed this sprint is we failed to communicate with client. We did something we thought was awesome stuff which didn’t get approved from client before we started. So we gave a big “surprise” to client in the sprint review meeting. So, instead of showing all the User Stories to PO in the sprint review meeting, we need to keep the PO posted during the sprint. Let him/her have a general idea regarding what we are doing to avoid misunderstanding and surprise in sprint review meeting. I suggest if we have one week sprint, we need give PO an update every day. If two weeks sprint, give PO an update every two days etc.

Also, Paul gave me a good example about how to demonstrate a User Story in an efficient way. First,use a few short sentences to quickly show what we missed (the reason of creating this user story) and what we have done to fix these issues for the User Story. The most important point is people prefer to see the demo, to see have the code runs instead of listening someone keep talking all the time, so we need to be general in describing the User Story and focus on demonstration. Also when you show the demo, please don’t hesitate to tell everyone what are you doing now.

Any comments are welcome.